
23 Romantic Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

Are you in the midst of planning for your wedding day? Looking for romantic wedding hairstyles for long hair that you can take inspiration from? Well, firstly, we’d like to say congratulations if you’re getting married. That’s SUPER exciting! Secondly, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve found you some proper little beauties …

1. Messy to the Side Hairstyle

Sometimes the simplest of hairstyles are often the ones that pack the most impact, and that’s definitely the case with this stunning messy to the side hairstyle. If you’re looking for a relaxed, yet romantic and elegant way to wear your hair for your big day, this might just be spot on.

Wearing your hair to the side on your wedding day helps to show off any beautiful features you may have on the back of your dress. It also helps when you’re not wearing a veil too. It’s an old Irish tradition to wear flowers in the bride’s hair rather than a veil. Aside from looking beautiful, it’s a great way to bring costs down, and also helps to bring a really romantic feel to the whole occasion.

2. Messy Braid + Baby’s Breath Flower

Gypsophilia is the ‘proper’ name for “baby’s breath” – the beautiful white flower that you can see in this stunning wedding hair. They’re actually related to the carnation, and when used in your wedding hair, or in the bridal / bridesmaids bouquets, elegantly symbolise pureness, everlasting love, and innocence.

A small flower on sprigs, they are perfect for use when you’re wedding planning. They’re also easily woven into your romantic wedding hairstyles for long hair.

3. Half Up, Half Down Style

If you’re looking for a style that is as beautiful as it is simple (and that’s very!), this half up, half down style is definitely for you. You get the benefit of being able to show off your beautiful long locks, while at the same time having an intricate and elegant hairstyle that sets the perfect backdrop for that flower accessorising.

Romantic Half Up Half Down Wedding Hairstyle

Source: @braidstudio

There are so many different ways you could customise your hair, taking this one as inspiration. You could think of French braiding, reverse French braiding, lace braids, fishtail braids, in fact, any kind of braid that you like. The possibilities really are endless.

4. Messy Bun Updo

The neckline of your dress is really important when it comes to picking romantic wedding hairstyles for long hair. Firstly, if your hair sits around the neckline, you may find that it irritates you, and as you scratch it, you might leave red marks which will clearly show up in photos.

Secondly, what’s the point in having a beautiful neckline if you’re just going to cover it over with your hair? The finer, more beautiful details of the dress will be ignored, and you need to remember that you PAID for those details. It makes perfect sense to want to show them off.

5. Simple Half Up Hairstyle

When it comes to asking for what you want, it’s often better to visit your hair stylist armed with a wad of photos, rather than using words such as “bun”, “romantic”, or “waves”. One woman’s “waves” could be another woman’s “curly locks”, and the last thing you’re going to want is any misinterpretation.

Simple Half Up Wedding Hairstyle with Baby's Breath

Source: @natalieannehair

By taking photos, you can specifically pinpoint which bits you love from different looks. This helps you both build a picture of your perfect wedding day hair. Communication is key in all relationships, and when it comes to asking for what you want on the biggest day of your life, clear communication is vital. Sometimes it pays to go back to pictures!

6. Braided Low Bun

With a simple twist, flick, or turn, you could completely transform the look of your braid, as shown by this beautiful braided low bun. The long hair has been worn entirely wrapped up in this romantic look, beautifully swept away from the face. This makes it super easy to maintain your makeup on the big day.

There’s nothing worse than flicking your hair around all over the place. You’ll end up with a greasy face, or your makeup will rub on your hair and make that greasy instead. Not a good look for when you have wavy tendrils, that’s for sure.

7. Messy Braid

When it comes to booking the hair, and sitting down to talk with a stylist about what you want for your big day, make sure that you do so in plenty of time.

You should allow for a hair trial first, with enough time to create two or three different hairstyles. Out of these, you can pick your favorite. It also helps to have a few different pictures to take with you has wedding hair inspiration too.

8. Simple Braided Half Up, Half Down Style

Braids are a really big trend right now, and there are so many ways that you can wear them. It makes total sense to consider them when looking at romantic wedding hairstyles for long hair.

These waterfall braids have scooped just enough hair back from the face to show off your beautiful makeup, and any stunning accessories you may be rocking for the big day, and they also give you something to affix floral hair accessories and pieces to also. Now that’s wedding multitasking!

9. Boho Style with Fresh Flowers

If you have a dress that is off-the-shoulder, or entirely strapless, you need a hairstyle that allows you to show that off, and what better than this half up, half down style?

It’s a style that allows for a number of different styles within it, braids, curls, buns, chignons, and others included, and when worn in a messy boho style just like you can see here, shows off the bits that you really want to show off.

10. Messy Updo

With the help of a few pins and grips, romantic wedding hairstyles for long hair are super easy to achieve, especially ones like this messy updo. Starting with a basic low-down ponytail, some back combing at the roots to give you the volume that you can see here, tucking and twisting the hair before pinning will often give you a wide range of results.

Romantic Wedding Updo

Source: @lalasupdos

Tousel the hair slightly so that you can cover any visible pins, and then add flowers or other head / hair pieces. Simple!

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One thought on "23 Romantic Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair"

  1. Janette Potter-Eaton says:

    my dress is sleeveless,,full baded style that encircles my neck for the open keyhole back,,,back is open to almost the waist,,,my hair will be at the wedding half way to my waist,,,,love loose, to the side,,,,,babys breath (Dads bush,,baby rose buds,,my garden) hows this sound

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