
23 Easy Halloween Costumes for Couples

Having a hard time trying to find a costume idea that suits both you and your significant other? It’s hard work trying to find something that not just one, but two people, can agree on, and to make life a little easier, we’ve decided to bring you some of the best. These 23 easy Halloween costumes for couples don’t take oodles of planning, and they won’t cost you a small fortune either. With some planning and preparation, you could have the coolest costume on the block, and you won’t need to stress yourself out to get it!

1. Mime Couple

It would be super awesome if Halloween this year could fall on a full moon, right? Sadly, although it’s often depicted in the many spooky and Halloween-themed movies, the full moon itself very rarely happens. The last one we experienced on All Hallow’s Eve was back in 2001, and before that it was in 1955. The next one isn’t expected to come until 2020. Will you be saving your best Halloween costume for then?

No, we didn’t think so. And with a costume as good as this mime couple one, why would you even want to? The basic items are very simple – black trousers and shorts, stockings perhaps for the lady, a couple of striped shirts, and plenty of white makeup. You couldn’t get much simpler than that.

2. Pop Art Zombie Couple

Halloween is actually a Wiccan thing, and it all started somewhere quite surprising. Everyone thinks that All Hallow’s Eve is an American thing, but it actually started in Scotland, Ireland, and also in the Isle of Man.

Pop Art Zombie Couple Halloween Costume

Source: @nikybeth

When you’re putting on your fabulous and easy Halloween costumes for couples, you should probably be aware that the celebrations originated from an old Celtic tradition, and back then, it was called something very different – ‘Samhaim’. It symbolised the end of their year, and they believed this was the day that fairies and other spirits could cross the lines into our world.

3. Bees + Beekeeper

There is an actual thing as a fear of bees, and it’s called ‘melissophobia’. (We knew it was a real thing! We also definitely have it!) Why not freak everyone out at the party, and go in something that is guaranteed to strike the fear of God in most people throughout the summer?

Bee and Beekeeper Couple Halloween Costume

Source: @dmiao8

The bee and beekeeper costume is one of our favorites, and we all know someone who has this bee delight stuffed away in their fancy dress box somewhere. The dog is a super excellent touch. Every costume is even more amazing with a fancy-dress-dog!

4. Terrance and Katie (South Park)

If you want to hold a Halloween party with a seriously spooky edge, you need to head to Ohio. Lewisburg in Ohio, to be precise. There’s an abandoned mine-cave around eighty feet below the ground, and it’s haunted. So haunted, in fact, that it’s actually the Guinness World Record holder for the longest haunted house in the world.

Back to the here and now however, and what do you think about this South Park themed Halloween costume? You could easily make those faces out of bits of cardboard, and they’re so simple, you could even get the kids involved to help you for a fun weekend activity.

5. Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) + Wilson

What do you need for easy Halloween costumes for couples such as this Tom Hanks as Chuck Noland, and Wilson combo? You need cargo shorts and a red tea-towel wrapped around his head.

Tom Hanks Cast Away Wilson Couple Halloween Costume

Source: @jslocumbrown

For her costume, a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans or joggers (whatever you have to hand), a white headband, and a white piece of cardboard painted to look just like Wilson. Super simple, and actually pretty hilarious too!

6. Bob Ross Painting his Happy Tree

Did anyone love art as much as Bob Ross did? No, we don’t think so either, so we think this great couple’s Halloween costume is a great tribute to the artist, instructor, painter and TV host who was more famously known for The Joy of Painting.

Bob Ross Couple Easy Halloween Costume Idea

Source: @kaileyvf

The costume itself is super simple to recreate yourself, and you just need a few things – brown top and trousers for her, jeans and a blue shirt for him, that big afro wig if you weren’t blessed with crazy curly hair, and plenty of leaves. Now all you need to do is arts & crafts nuts! (Maybe let the kids join to keep them occupied for a couple of hours!)

7. Tooth Fairy + Dentist

What’s scarier than the dentist? We HATE the dentist, and most of the population of the world does too. There are loads of different names for the phobia of dentists – dentist phobia, dental anxiety, dental phobia, odontophobia, dentophobia … whatever you want to call it, every trip is NOT pleasant.

Another of the super simple and easy Halloween costumes for couples, you could get really creative with this one. We can’t wait to see what you lot come up with!

8. 1920s Couple

This 1920’s couple is such as classic look, and with the 20’s style recently coming back into fashion, buying clothes like this for him and her is actually going to be easier than you’d think. There’s no need to go running to the fancy dress store for this one.

The 1920’s were a great decade, with more and more people venturing into towns and cities rather than living on the outskirts and on farms. During this decade, the economic growth of the USA doubled … It was a time of luxury, that’s for sure.

9. Old Couple

The best thing about this old couple Halloween costume is that you can recreate it just by raiding your Grandparents’ or parents’ closets! Not that we’re saying being old is scary or anything. Okay, fine, we admit it … We’re a little scared of getting old. There, we said it.

Did you know that the largest Halloween parade in the world is actually in America, not where the festivities first started in the first place at all! If you head to New York City on All Hallow’s Eve, you’ll be joining over two million other spectators, and you can’t forget about the fifty thousand odd people who participate in the parade itself. You’re going to want a costume to stand out against all those other people. Is this Granny & Grandpa costume going to do just that?

10. The Fifth Element

Here’s a super fun Halloween fun fact for you – 30,128 Jack O’Lanterns is the most ever lit at once, and that’s a world record held by the town of Boston in Massachusetts. Funnily enough, Massachusetts also claim to be the Halloween capital of the world too, but they’ve got stiff competition from the likes of Anoka in Minnesota, and Salem too.

The Fifth Element Couple Halloween Costume Idea

Source: @halleyxlujahh

Talking of all things orange (which we were), fight off all the costume competition with this little wonder – simple to recreate, funny to look at, and definitely one that’ll get people talking for all the right reasons!

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One thought on "23 Easy Halloween Costumes for Couples"

  1. Lauren says:


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